The following is a chest/triceps session. It is one of two variations I am currently hitting every Monday. I also hit one chest movement on Thursdays with my shoulder day. This is a secondary day for triceps. I hit one movement after all the chest work is done. This is my second day back training after 6 days of being off from the gym completely.
Low incline Smith Machine – 1 all out set 10-12. Full pause with each rep at the bottom. I use two bumper plates to get the degree of incline I desire. For reference, its around a 30 degree incline. I do feeder sets with ascending weight and descending reps to get to a work set.
High Incline DB Press – 2 sets 8-10. 3 count pause in the bottom of each rep. Incline is set to about 75 degrees and elbows are internally rotated while shoulders are depressed and locked back. If the shoulder rolls on a rep the set is over. I am focused on failing the chest here, not TOTAL failure of moving the weight.
Pec deck – 1 all out set 12-16. 2 count pause in the stretch of each rep. Seat is elevated higher so shoulders are above elbows. Butt is pulled away from the back pad and chest is elevated, serratus activated and locked in, shoulders down and back. Again, once the shoulders roll forward, the set is over.
HS wide grip iso press – This is straight from Dante Trudel. 1 all out set 10-12. One arm at a time. Controlled negatives but no count and no pause. Focused on gutting out every last fiber in the chest to finish the day. Again the focus is on keeping serratus locked and activated and shoulders back. I’m aiming to feel that outer/lower pec contract at the top. I only go as low (or in this case, as far back) as my humeral head will allow before it wants to pronate.
Dip Machine – 2 sets 15 reps. The primary focus is overloading the end range of the motion here and locking out heavier loads than I can for a full ROM. The dip machine we have isn’t built for wider individuals, so I have to get creative with how I include this one, but since this is a secondary tricep day this is a good way to finish the day.